PTE Listening - Practice, Format, Marks, Time, Tips and Tricks, Question Types, Study Materials | PTE Guide - PTE Guide

PTE Listening - Practice, Format, Marks, Time, Tips and Tricks, Question Types, Study Materials | PTE Guide

PTE (Pearson Test of English) is a well-known English Language Proficiency examination for non-native English speakers who want to study or immigrate to foreign countries specifically Australia, New Zealand or the UK. Pearson PTE examination is acknowledged worldwide by leading education universities and institutes. PTE test is a computer-based English language exam with an Artificial Intelligence algorithms-based automated scoring system without any human interaction. The PTE Academic exam consists of 4 sections i.e. PTE Speaking Section, PTE Writing Section, PTE Reading Section and PTE Listening Section. In this post, we will get in-depth information about the PTE Listening module, listening question types, timings, marks, PTE listening tips and tricks and how to practice PTE listening.

PTE Listening


PTE Listening is one of the 4 sections of the PTE Exam which assesses the flair of the PTE Academic candidate in listening to English. It has 8 different PTE tasks (PTE Listening Questions). The PTE Listening tasks are based on audio or video clips, which begin to play automatically. You hear each audio or video clip once. You are allowed to take notes.

PTE Listening Time

The PTE Listening section is 30-43 minutes long. This time is overall and there are no question-wise timings in the Listening module.

PTE Listening Test Format, Question Types and Marks

1. Summarise Spoken Text (SST): In this PTE question type, after listening to a recording, write a 50–70 word summary.
  • Prompt Length: 60-90 seconds

  • Skills Assessed: Listening and Writing

  • Time to Answer: Not Applicable

  • You have 10 minutes to listen and write your summary.

  • The word count at the bottom of the screen counts the number of words you write.

  • Make sure to write a minimum of 50 words, but no more than 70 words.

  • There are also cut, copy and paste buttons which you may use while constructing your summary.

  • SST is scored as below:











For more details, strategies, tips and tricks, and templates for the Summarize Spoken Text PTE task read the below article:

2. Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers: In this PTE task, after listening to a recording, answer a multiple-choice question on the content or tone of the recording by selecting more than one response.
  • Prompt Length: 40-90 seconds

  • Skills Assessed: Listening

  • Time to Answer: Not Applicable

  • You need to select all the response options that you think are correct from the list of possible options.

  • You will score marks for any correct options but you will lose score points for any incorrect options.

  • MCQ Multiple Answers is scored as follows:


1 for each answer


-1 for each answer



3. Listening - Fill in the Blanks: In this PTE question type, a transcript of a recording appears on the screen, with several gaps. After listening to the recording, type the missing word in each gap.
  • Prompt Length: 30-60 seconds

  • Skills Assessed: Listening and Writing

  • Time to Answer: Not Applicable

  • If all blanks are filled with the right word spelt correctly, you receive the maximum score points for this question type.

  • If one or more blanks are filled wrongly, partial credit scoring applies.

  • While the audio is playing, you can take notes on the erasable note board provided and then fill in the gaps.

  • Listening Blanks are scored as follows:


    1 for each blank


    0 for each blank

4. Highlight Correct Summary (HCS): In this PTE question type, after listening to a recording, select the paragraph that best summarizes the recording.
  • Prompt Length: 30-90 seconds

  • Skills Assessed: Listening and Reading

  • Time to Answer: Not Applicable

  • There are several possible response options but only one is correct.

  • It may be difficult to read and listen at the same time. It is recommended that you listen first, make notes on the erasable note-board and then read the summaries.

  • Highlight Correct Summary is scored as follows:





5. Listening - Multiple Choice, Single Answer: In this PTE question type, after listening to a recording, select the paragraph that best summarizes the recording.
  • Prompt Length: 30-90 seconds

  • Skills Assessed: Listening

  • Time to Answer: Not Applicable

  • You need to listen to the recording and answer the multiple-choice question.

  • There are several possible response options but only one is correct.

  • Your response for Multiple Choice, Single Answer is judged on your ability to Your response is scored as either correct or incorrect. No credit is given for no response or an incorrect response.

  • Listening - MCQ Single Answer is scored as follows:





6. Select Missing Word (SMW): In this PTE question type, after listening to a recording, select the missing word that completes the recording from a list of options.
  • Prompt Length: 20-70 seconds

  • Skills Assessed: Listening

  • Time to Answer: Not Applicable

  • The last word or group of words in the recording has been replaced by a beep sound. Select the most appropriate option to complete the recording.

  • There are several possible response options but only one is correct.

  • Your response for Select Missing Word is judged on your ability to predict what a speaker will say, based on contextual clues in a recording. Your response is scored as either correct or incorrect. No credit is given for no response or an incorrect response.

  • Select Missing Word is scored as follows:





7. Highlight Incorrect Words (HIW): In this PTE question type, the transcript of a recording appears on the screen. While listening to the recording, identify the words in the transcript that differ from what is said.
  • Prompt Length: 15-50 seconds

  • Skills Assessed: Listening and Reading

  • Time to Answer: Not Applicable

  • While listening and reading, you need to select the words in the text that differ from those that the speaker says.

  • Each selected word is scored as either correct or incorrect. If all the selected words are correct, you receive the maximum score points for this question type.

  • If one or more selected words are incorrect, partial credit scoring applies.

  • This is the third of three question types where you can lose points if you choose any incorrect options. For any wrong options chosen, one point is deducted, while correct options are given one point. Make sure you are confident in your choices.

  • The highlight Incorrect Words task is scored as follows:


1 for each word


-1 for each word



8. Write From Dictation (WFD): In this PTE task, after listening to a recording of a sentence, type the sentence.
  • Prompt Length: 3-5 seconds

  • Skills Assessed: Listening and Writing

  • Time to Answer: Not Applicable

  • You hear a short sentence. Type the sentence into the response box at the bottom of the screen.

  • While the audio is playing, you can take notes on the erasable note board provided.

  • Remember to check your spelling.

  • Your response for Write from Dictation is your ability to understand and remember a sentence you hear, and then write it exactly as you hear it, using correct spelling.

  • Content is scored by counting the number of correct words in your response.

  • If all the words are right and spelt correctly, you receive the maximum score points for this question type.

  • If one or more words are incorrect, partial credit scoring applies.

  • Write from Dictation (WFD) is scored as follows:


1 for each word


0 for each word



For more details, strategies, tips and tricks, and templates for the Write from Dictation PTE task read the below article:

PTE Listening Tips and Tricks

  • In the Summarise Spoken Text (SST) Listening Task, use PTEGuideApp's Proven Templates to get the best results. Just replace the topic and keywords noted from the audio clip in the template and you're done. Just remember that you need to write a summary in 50-70 words.

  • The Listening MCQs are not an important question type. Ignore Reading MCQs. Don't waste time on MCQs.

  • Improve your vocabulary and collocations knowledge to perform well in the Listening Blanks. Listen to the audio with full concentration. Take care of silly mistakes of "d/ed", "s/es" etc.

  • Take care of negative marking in the Highlight Incorrect Words PTE Listening task. If you are sure, then only select the word. Usually, 4 to 6 incorrect words will be there in each task.

  • The Write from Dictation (WFD) is the most important PTE task. Save time for the WFD task. Write all the words you remember with proper spelling and structure. Take care of silly mistakes of "d/ed", "s/es" etc. Always write the first letter of the sentence in capital form.

PTE Guide App

You can use PTE Guide App for complete information about the Pearson PTE Exam. It provides a step-by-step preparation guide to prepare yourself for the PTE Exam. It covers every step from where to start and where to end, from an introduction to PTE to how to book and give PTE Exam.

Thanks for reading this blog post. Share this helpful article with your friends and family. Keep visiting for more valuable information and news related to the Pearson PTE exam.

All the best for your PTE Academic examination. 👍

Note: All the information cited in this article is taken from the official Pearson PTE website. For more information related to PTE scoring and marks distribution, read the official PTE Score Guide available here.

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