Read Aloud PTE 2023, Read Aloud Tips and Tricks, Read Aloud One Line Strategy, PTE Speaking Practice | PTE Guide - PTE Guide

Read Aloud PTE 2023, Read Aloud Tips and Tricks, Read Aloud One Line Strategy, PTE Speaking Practice | PTE Guide

PTE is a Pearson Test of English for testing the English Language Proficiency of the test-taker. PTE Exam is a computer-based test without human interaction and with an AI-based Automated Scoring System developed by Pearson. There is a total of 20 different question types in the PTE exam. PTE exam consists of 4 sections i.e. PTE Speaking, PTE Writing, PTE Reading and PTE Listening. One of the most important question types in the PTE test is Read Aloud. PTE Read Aloud question type comes under PTE Speaking section. Read Aloud is the first question type you'll face in your actual PTE exam. In this blog post, we will cover PTE Read Aloud question type, Read Aloud Tips and Tricks, how to practice it and how to get a maximum score in PTE Read Aloud.

Read Aloud - PTE Speaking

PTE Read Aloud Example - PTE Speaking Question

In the Read Aloud PTE Speaking task, text appears on the computer screen. Read the text aloud.

  • Prompt Length: Text up to 60 words

  • Skills Assessed: Reading and Speaking

  • Time to Answer: Varies by item, depending on the length of text

  • Total Number of PTE Read Aloud Questions: 6-7

  • You have 30–40 seconds to read the text and prepare.
  • If you remain silent for longer than three seconds, the recording will stop.

How PTE Read Aloud is Scored?

Read Aloud is scored based on 3 parameters: Content, Fluency and Pronunciation.

Content means the text given to you. Fluency means the flow of speaking the given text with taking proper pauses. Pronunciation means the way you speak words given in the text.







For more details about the scoring of PTE Read Aloud and other question types, go through to the official PTE Score Guide or visit our detailed article on the PTE Score Distribution Chart 2023.

Read Aloud Practice Schedule - PTE Speaking Practice

To achieve your desired PTE Score - PTE 79 Score, you must score high in the Read Aloud task of the PTE Speaking section. You'll get 6-7 Read Alouds in the actual PTE exam. To improve your score in this PTE task, you should practice at least 20-30 Read Alouds daily. You can practice PTE Read Aloud on PTE practice apps and websites online for free - visit Best PTE Practice Apps. You can use Read Aloud PTE PDF 2023 to practice frequently asked PTE Read Aloud questions. 

Read Aloud Tips and Tricks

  • Speak clearly: Whatever you speak, speak clearly so that recorder can capture it properly.

  • Take a pause: Don't speak in one breath. Take appropriate pauses at commas and full stops.

  • Speak at a medium pace: PTE Test centres have high-quality and sensitive headphones with a mic. Don't speak too loudly or too slowly. It is okay to speak at a normal pace. You'll get better results.

  • Use proper headphones for practice: The PTE exam will be conducted wearing high-quality headphones with a mic. You should get used to it before appearing for the exam.

  • Don't correct yourself while speaking: If you make a mistake in speaking a few words, just keep reading the next words and don't go back to correct the pronunciation of the previous words. Otherwise, it'll heavily affect your Fluency and Pronunciation score.

  • Prepare yourself in advance: Practice pronunciation of difficult words in 35 seconds given before the actual recording starts.

  • Maintain the flow: Read the sentence in the proper flow. A sentence with the question mark (?) should be read as a question and not like a simple flat sentence. Takes care of the sentence flow.

  • Skip/Alter difficult words: Don't speak or alter the word you don't know how to pronounce rather than trying to speak and breaking your flow.

  • Cover 75% content: You should speak at least 75% of the given text with proper pronunciation and fluency to achieve your desired PTE score.

Read Aloud One Line Strategy - What is the One Line Strategy for PTE Read Aloud?

In PTE Read Aloud one-line strategy, you need to speak only the first line from the given text of 3-5 lines in the PTE Read Aloud to achieve your desired score. However, we won't encourage you to use this one-line strategy in the real PTE exam as it may or may not work for you as Read Aloud score contributes to PTE Speaking and PTE Reading as well. So, if you read only one line of the given text and skip other sentences, then you may get a low score in the PTE Reading module. Let us know in the comment section if it works for you.

PTE Guide App

You can use PTE Guide App for the complete information about the Pearson PTE Exam. PTE Guide is a step-by-step preparation guide to prepare yourself for the PTE Exam from scratch. It covers every step from where to start and where to end, from an introduction about PTE to how to book and give PTE Exam.

Thanks for reading this blog post on PTE Speaking Read Aloud Tips and Tricks. Share this useful information with your friends and other PTE aspirants. Keep visiting for more useful information and updates related to the Pearson PTE exam.

All the best for your Pearson PTE Academic examination. 👍

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