PTE Test Day Tips - 10 Things to Remember for the Pearson PTE Exam 2023 on the PTE Test Date - PTE Guide

PTE Test Day Tips - 10 Things to Remember for the Pearson PTE Exam 2023 on the PTE Test Date

Reading this post on PTE Test Day Tips means you know about the Pearson PTE exam. It is a computer-based Pearson Test of English for non-native English speakers to demonstrate their English Language Proficiency skills mainly Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening. PTE or any other English language test score is required to study or immigrate to English-speaking countries like Australia, Canada, the US or the UK. As the title of the post suggests, we will cover important points that a PTE test taker should know and be aware of while appearing for the PTE examination - PTE Academic Exam.


Below are important things/points to remember before and inside the PTE exam centre:

Tips and Things to Remember Before the Exam Starts:

  1. Relax! you have practised a lot. Now, it’s time to stay calm and relaxed. Don't panic. Don’t practice much the day before your PTE exam. This is just to stop overthinking issues.

  2. Don't change your PTE Templates for Describe Image, Retell Lecture, Essay, SST and SWT at the last moment when the PTE exam date is near. It's hard to remember new templates in a short time. Remember! Templates give your structure, format and fluency, but Keywords and Phrases relevant to the question are important to get good marks in the PTE exam.

  3. Carry your valid Passport with you to the PTE exam centre. You need to carry your ID on the day of your exam for verification purposes.

  4. Reach Early - Reach your PTE test centre 30 minutes before the exam slot timings to avoid the rush.

Tips and Things to Remember During the Exam Hours:

  1. Don’t Take a Pause - Do not take a pause while recording your answers even if you think you made a mistake. Just keep moving on and manage the exam time wisely.

  2. Use Notepad - Make the best use of notepad, especially in PTE Tasks such as Retell Lecture, Summarize Spoken Text (SST), Listening Fill in the Blanks and Write from Dictation (WFD). Make sure your marker pen is ready to write. Keep Marker Pen alive before you need it to write.

  3. Word Limit Matters in PTE - Don’t write more or less than the word limit question has asked for such as Essay, Summarize Written Text (SWT) and SST. The word counter will be there on the screen. Keep your eye on it.

  4. Take Care of Capital Letters and Full Stops - Punctuations matter to get good marks.

  5. Don’t interfere with the equipment - Your administrator will check the equipment. Don’t interfere once everything is set up. Tell the administrator in case of issues. Raise your hand for any kind of assistance required.

  6. Don’t get stuck on one question - Do not spend too much time on one question, especially not at the expense of missing out on other questions. Give importance to the important questions and save time for them. Manage your time accurately specifically in the PTE Reading and PTE Listening sections where the overall time is given for the whole section.

  7. Be Aware of Negative Marking - There is a negative marking in some of the questions such as Multiple Choice Questions in the Reading and Listening section of the PTE Academic exam and Highlight Incorrect Words PTE Question. So keep that in mind. Although, the lowest mark is still zero.

  8. Proof Reading or Re-Check - Before submitting your answer, quickly make sure it’s grammatically correct and no spelling mistakes are left. Proof Reading is the key to success in the PTE Exam.

Read More: PTE Exam Tips and Tricks 2022 | PTE Guide

We hope that you understand and remember these important things before and during your Pearson PTE Academic Exam. Most of the students make silly mistakes described in the above points and get disappointments in the result PTE score. If you take care of these things, you can achieve your desired PTE Score - 79+ PTE Score or 65+ PTE Score.

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